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About Us

The Kurucz Brothers’ mission since 2010 has been top-quality hungarian beer.

For years, they have been working on creating a forum for quality hungarian beer through self-organised festivals, thus introducing more and more people to the versatile world of fragrant and flavourful beer.

“For 7 years we’ve been visiting the world’s leading craft beer breweries and festivals, We learn from the best and made it our mission to use this knowledge, to provide top-quality, fragrant and unique beer for hungarians.”

FIRST Craft beer has been founded in the summer of 2017, in order to reach our goal.

Striving for perfection

“We are passionate people, and we think of beer as such. For years, it has been our goal to make our customers look at beer the same way.”

The perfect, first class beer can be created only without compromises! A craft beer brewery constantly innovates their products, and in contrary to larger scale breweries, instead of profit, they focus on perfection. Obtaining this quality can be achieved only under strict hygienic conditions, fresh ingredients and professional technology.

Creation of uncompromised quality beer.

Professional service based on our customers needs.

Open brewery tours and educational programs.


In the creation of our beer, we use our own, crystal clear water, treated by reverse-osmosis.

We use the worlds best malt from Holland and the Czech Republic.

The Yakima-Valley hops are the best on the market, thanks to the farmers and brewers sorting only the most brewery-suitable crops off the hop-plants. This makes it easier for our brewers to choose types of hops for our beers.<br /> The most expensive and top-quality liquid yeast is cooled down and transported from San Diego right to our door.

A legdrágább és legjobb minőségű folyékony élesztőt hűtve, repülőgéppel szállítják San Diegoból egyenesen a főzde ajtajáig.

hectoliters of beer
types of beer
own ber festivals

Technology and knowledge

The Kurucz brothers succeeded in obtaining the support of the company ZIP Technologies, who manufacture the worlds best brewery equipment. Although best technology and equipment alone are not enough. A brewery needs true passion and knowledge towards beers in order to function. Our crew was put together based on these requirements. Our crew is constantly developing and learning hand-in-hand with the food-industry class of Szent István University.